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Gifts Under $25 Stacks and Stacks Coupon
Stacks and Stacks has been a leader and pioneer in offering products to organize and furnish homes, offices, and gardens since 1984. For over 26 years they have searched for, and then tested products to find the best quality at the best prices. They now offer over 40,000 items on their site, with over 30,000 of them shipping for free. Over these many years they have established an excellent reputation with they Customers as well as the over 1,800 vendors they deal with. Their vast experience has enabled they to find the most reliable manufacturers and products, which certainly has contributed to their success.
The business operates in our 20,000 square foot warehouse in Richmond, California. Their offices contain our customer support team, marketing, web development, inventory systems, accounting department, order fulfillment and shipping, and technical operations, which all support their Internet site.
People often ask “Why the name Stacks and Stacks”? Well, if you’ve ever tried to name a business you’ll understand the challenge. When they started, their merchandise mix was exclusively storage and organization products. When they had brick and mortar stores, the aisles were packed with crates, boxes, bins, cubes, and the shelves were piled high to the ceilings. Stacks of organizing items was the inspiration, so why not just call their Company – Stacks and Stacks.
They pride themselves in having staff members that have been with Stacks for over 20 years. Their experience and knowledge contributes greatly to their success. Many of their people started in their stores or warehouse as sales associates or order pickers, and have risen to positions of greater responsibility. Promoting from within, not outsourcing any functions to other countries, and offering to pay for work related education has created a loyal staff.